Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo and Christie Talk Inside the Huddle About How to Fund Port Authority (Post)
  • Decision PPW: How They Covered It on TV (NY1, CBS2, NBC)
  • Jim Walden to Park Slope: “This Is Just the First Battle in a Longer War” (Bklyn Paper)
  • Bike Lane Haters at the News Don’t Belong to Truth-Telling Community; Post Files Reality-Based Report
  • M42 Bus Driver Runs Over Rollerblader at West Side Greenway by 43rd Street (Gothamist, Post)
  • Replace “Port Authority” With “MTA” and New DiNapoli Report Is Deja Vu All Over Again (News, DNAinfo)
  • Researchers Find Link Between Maternal Obesity and Childhood Asthma (Well)
  • Roosevelt Island Needs a Better Surface for Cyclists on the Bridge Path to Queens (RIer)
  • With Fee Hike for City Parking Lot Off the Table, Brighton Beach Rep Rests Easy About Road Rage (News)
  • Excellent Satire of Enforcement Hysteria Over Minor Bike/Ped Transgressions (News)
  • Damned Bike Lanes (NYT)

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