Today’s Headlines

  • Daily News Nails Liu and DiNapoli for Taking Potshots at the MTA While Transit Teeters
  • The More You Know About Kira Goddard’s Death, the More Senseless It Seems (News, WSJ)
  • The Only Attention Goddard’s Mourners Got From Local Pols Was a Drive-By Beep (News)
  • Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop: Chris Ward’s Tenuous Relationship With Andrew Cuomo (Cap NY)
  • Whitestone Moms Lead Fight Against One-Way Conversion Near PS193 (News)
  • Peter Koo Wants Flushing to Be a Great Transit Destination, Yet He Also Wants Lots of Parking (Crain’s)
  • What Nancy Gruskin’s 5-to-Ride Campaign Has Been Up To (Downtown Express)
  • Brooklyn Chef Thrown in Holding Cell for Riding Trike on Sidewalk (Gothamist)
  • DNAinfo Reports on Yesterday’s Fulton Street Transit Center Construction Milestone
  • Atlantic Yards Traffic Plan: Motorists’ Early Reaction (NY1)
  • If Larry Littlefield Wrote the Classifieds… (Room 8)

More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill