Today’s Headlines

  • Bloomberg Asks to Enforce Parking Regs With Street Sweeper Cams, Gets No Support in Albany (NYT)
  • CMs Vacca and Koslowitz Fight Against Meter Hike, As Forest Hills Merchants Complain (News)
  • With Weiner Out, Markowitz Eyes Mayor’s Race (Post)
  • Nassau Selects Veolia to Run LI Bus, But No Contract Yet (Transpo NationMTR)
  • Restaurants Demand Deliverymen Ride Electric Bikes Even Though They’re Illegal (City Room)
  • Plan to Truck Less Garbage Hits NIMBY Resistance on Upper East Side (City Room)
  • MTA Fence Contractors Plead Guilty to Defrauding Agency and Grand Larceny (News)
  • Weiner’s Other Scandal: Lapsed Vehicle Registration and Illegal License Plates (News)
  • Traffic Calming and Off-Street Bike Path Planned For Springfield Blvd (Q Chron)
  • In New Jersey, Recovery Takes Hold Fastest Near Rail Stations (WSJ)
  • Michael Daly: Confiscate the Phones of Distracted Drivers (News)

More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill