Today’s Headlines
- More From São Paulo: World Bank to Standardize C40 Cities’ Climate Change Efforts (NYT)
- Marty Golden Wants Summertime Ped Plazas for Third Ave.; Bklyn Paper Drops the “M” Word
- Who Owns Whom? Boston Globe Schools the Times on Fact-Driven Transpo Coverage
- Cuomo Nominates Developer Howard Milstein to Head Thruway Authority (NYT)
- New East River Ferry Service Set to Launch Mid-Month (Crain’s, NY1)
- Bloomberg Says Tourist-Toting Helicopters Too Profitable to Ground (News)
- White House Talks Up Auto Industry Bailout, Though Taxpayers Could Lose Billions (UPI)
- On Video: Cop Berated for Parking Cruiser in Second Ave. Bike Lane to Ticket Cyclist (Gothamist)
- City Hopes to Guilt Drivers Into Not Running Down Harlem School Kids (DNAinfo)
- Rest Easy, New Yorkers: 64-Year-Old Violinists Are Under Control (City Room)
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