Today’s Headlines

  • Chaos in the Capitol as Lawmakers Sign Off on Cuomo Budget (NYT, WNYC, News, NY1)
  • At Least Mayor Mike Can Take Consolation in the Expired Millionaire’s Tax (Gotham Gazette)
  • The Obama Energy Policy: A Little Something for Everyone (TransNat)
  • Bridges in New York State Not Getting Any Younger (MTR, Crain’s via T4A)
  • The Taxi of Tomorrow Could Slurp More Fuel Than the Taxi of Today (Gotham Gazette)
  • Bob Kappstatter: New Target-Anchored Mall in East Bronx to Host 885 Parking Spots (News)
  • Straphangers Campaign Finds Clarity on the 5/6 Line (Post, AMNY, SAS)
  • NY1 Profiles the Future Fresh Kills Greenway
  • Rapper Jim Jones Caught Driving in SoHo Bus Lane With Suspended License (Post)
  • Investigators Say Driver in Bronx Bus Crash Was Speeding by 20 MPH (NYT, WNYC)

More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill