Don’t Let a Few Raindrops Keep You Away From Tonight’s CB 6 Hearing

Opportunities to make your voice heard on the city’s transportation policy don’t get much bigger than tonight’s Brooklyn Community Board 6 hearing about the Prospect Park West re-design. Your presence and testimony can help make this pivotal project permanent and show the press that local support for traffic calming and safer cycling runs deep. The well-connected bike lane opponents who are suing the city to reverse the redesign are making noise about slowing down bike projects citywide, so a strong showing will also have an impact on safer streets beyond Park Slope.

It’s a big deal — don’t let a few raindrops keep you away.

Here’s where to go:

John Jay High School
237 7th Avenue, Auditorium (between 4th/5th Streets)
Brooklyn, NY 11215

The hearing is open to all. Get there before 6:30 p.m. if you plan to speak.


This Week: Parking Reform, Safer Lafayette Avenue

In 1982, the city established off-street parking maximums in much of Manhattan to reduce traffic congestion. Since then, the maximums have served as an effective check on driving in the densest part of the region, but loopholes enable developers to skirt the rules almost at will. On Wednesday, the Department of City Planning will present […]

Brooklyn CB1 Hears Two Proposals for Safer Streets Tonight

We’ve got some more community board action for you today. Brooklyn Community Board 1, which represents Williamsburg and Greenpoint, is set to hear proposals for new buffered bike lanes on Kent Avenue and for improving pedestrian safety at dangerous intersections in North Brooklyn. The bike lanes are an interim step on the way to completing […]

Thursday, March 10 Is CB6’s Prospect Park West Bike Lane Finale

I make no guarantees about the ultimate accuracy of this headline, but you’ve got to admit that next week’s Brooklyn Community Board 6 forum on the Prospect Park West redesign is shaping up to be a showstopper [PDF]. After all the rallies, surveys, Marcia Kramer segments, senatorial intrigue, threats of lawsuits, and mountains of data […]

Speak Up for Safer Streets in Brooklyn and the Bronx

This week, there are important DOT workshops concerning major streets in Brooklyn — Fourth Avenue in Bay Ridge and Broadway from Myrtle Avenue to the Williamsburg Bridge. There’s also a community board meeting to reconsider a bike corral the board had already approved. Also this week: In the Bronx, the MTA will hold a hearing […]