Read All About It: Victims’ Loved Ones Fed Up With Markowitz
For some reason this piece by Jake Pearson in today’s Daily News didn’t make it into the online edition, but here’s a look at what they printed on page 33…
For those who don’t want to squint, Pearson’s lead paragraphs go like so:
The families of Brooklyn residents killed or injured by cars while biking in the borough last year are fuming at Borough President Marty Markowitz.
Advocates and angry victims’ families charge Markowitz made light of their loss by peddling into last week’s State of the Borough address on an oversized tricycle — an obvious jab at the controversial Prospect Park West bike lane.
“At the very least he could acknowledge the issue, as opposed to making jokes about it,” said Naomi Doerner, 32, whose boyfriend Scott Andresen suffered a serious spinal cord injury after being struck by a speeding car last July on Myrtle Ave. in Clinton Hill.
“His constituents are paying the ultimate price, and we’re not the butt-end of a joke,” Doerner said.
You can read the rest here.