Today’s Headlines

  • Eric Ulrich Hasn’t Thought This Bike ID Thing Thru; Other CMs Still Back Him, He Says (Gothamist)
  • Daily News Gives Ulrich a Knucklehead Award: Bike Licensing Is “Just Dumb”
  • Watch Ulrich Defend His Anti-Bike Bill on ABC 7 (via Brooklyn Spoke)
  • Catering Hall Magnate Proposes 400-Space Garage for South Slope; Irene Lo Re Cheers (Bklyn Paper)
  • Nicole Gelinas: MTA Will Have Weaker Hand in TWU Negotiations After Blizzard Missteps (Post)
  • The Post Drags JSK Into Another Round of Blizzard Blame
  • The Post Despises Life-Saving Traffic Enforcement Tech (and Ped Plazas and Bike Lanes)
  • TSTC Sees Trouble Ahead for BRT on the Next Tappan Zee Bridge (MTR)
  • On Staten Island, It’s Not Safe to Celebrate Epic Sports Victories in the Street (News, Post)
  • Gristedes-Affiliated Firm Finds Strong Opposition to Wal-Mart Among Small NYC Businesses (News)
  • Alex Marshall: Why Isn’t There a Place on NYC Trains and Buses for People Who Feel Sociable? (News)

Have a good Martin Luther King Jr. Day everyone. We’ll be offline the rest of today and posting regularly tomorrow.