Today’s Headlines

  • Vacca, Reyna, Queens Pols Shake Fists Over Rising Meter Rates (Queens Courier, Transpo Nation)
  • Three City Workers Busted For Drunk Driving in One Day (News)
  • With Fare Hikes About to Kick In, NY1 Does a Quick MTA Year-in-Review
  • Pete Donohue: Frivolous Lawsuits Against MTA Hurt Us All (News)
  • Speed Bumps Coming to Astoria’s 21st Ave (Queens Chron)
  • No Jail For Hit-and-Run Wealth Manager Who Left Cyclist For Dead in Vail (ABC Denver)
  • Markowitz’s “Favorite Lanes” Schtick Gets Even More Ink (News)
  • Marty Should Sue NYT Cartoonist Bruce McCall For Theft of Intellectual Property
  • You Might Be a Transpo Geek If… (How We Drive)
  • Step Aside, Motörhead, and Make Way For “Bike Lane” (Brooklyn Paper)

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