Advocates and Unions to Cuomo: Put a Stop to Transit Raids

A broad coalition of good government groups, transit and environmental advocates, and unions sent a letter to Andrew Cuomo on Friday [PDF] urging the incoming governor to protect straphangers by ensuring that transit revenues are spent on transit.

Andrew Cuomo could singlehandedly save millions of transit riders from the threat of further fare hikes and service cuts. Photo: ##

In the last year, Albany raids have shortchanged the MTA of more than $160 million, deepening a budget crisis brought on by the recession and leading to the worst service cuts in a generation. The overwhelming majority of the plundered funds were taken from revenue sources dedicated exclusively to transit and re-directed to the state’s general fund.

Today’s letter calls on Cuomo to restore those funds and put a stop to the practice of plugging state budget gaps by raiding transit. With Albany heading into 2011 looking at a deficit bigger than $9 billion, it will take strong leadership from the governor to head off a disastrous repeat of the December 2009 budget deal that robbed the MTA of $140 million. Any surprises like that would hit straphangers hard, in all likelihood setting off another round of service cuts and fare hikes.

Cuomo has the power, on his own, to protect transit riders and preserve the integrity of transit funding. With a single directive to his staff, he can prevent dedicated MTA revenue from being siphoned off for other purposes — a policy that good government groups call “The Governor’s Locked Box.”

The Governor’s Locked Box is now shaping up to be the primary transit policy objective of 2011, with 30 groups reminding Cuomo:

You campaigned on a pledge of restoring honest and ethical government. What could be more basic to
good governance than keeping the promise to taxpayers and transit riders that dedicated transit funds be spent for the sole purpose for which they were enacted? One quarter of the state’s workforce relies on mass transit to get to work.

Cuomo officially takes office on January 1.


Vacca and Advocates to Albany: No More Transit Raids

Transit advocates and City Council transportation committee chair Jimmy Vacca are sounding the alarm about potential transit funding raids before the year is out. A $315 million hole has opened up in the state budget, and unless elected officials change the way they balance the state’s books, straphangers could end up paying for Albany’s fiscal […]

TSTC: Cuomo Budget Would Raid $20 Million From the MTA

If you thought Albany had gotten over the habit of raiding the MTA for cash, think again. Nadine Lemmon at the Tri-State Transportation Campaign reports that there’s a $20 million transit raid lurking in Governor Cuomo’s 2013 executive budget: This $20 million diversion of funds comes from a pot of money that is statutorily dedicated […]

Cuomo Budget Amendments Claim End to MTA Raids After This Year

In amendments to the state budget released last week [PDF], the Cuomo administration claims that its $100 million raid on dedicated MTA funds was a one-time deal that won’t be repeated in the next three years. In detailing its plan to close the state’s deficit, the budget document lists the $200 million the state took […]

Cuomo’s Budget — And Likely Transit Raids — Coming Tomorrow

With Governor Cuomo’s first executive budget set to be released, tomorrow is an important day for transit riders. We’ll find out whether the new governor will continue Albany’s practice of stealing dedicated transit funds to plug budget holes elsewhere, try again to reduce the state’s meager contribution to student MetroCards to nothing, or decide instead […]

Cuomo on MTA Raids: Transit Funds Are “Fungible”

WNYC’s Andrea Bernstein reports on the most troubling sign yet that Governor-elect Andrew Cuomo is not willing to stop Albany’s practice of raiding dedicated transit funds to plug gaps in the state budget. From a press conference yesterday: Cuomo: “I understand the concern. Everyone — especially in a declining budget environment, where we are now, […]