Today’s Headlines
- NYT Op-Ed: Feds Sank Billions Into GM’s Electric Lemon, the Volt
- Council Approves Pair of Parking Saturated Developments (NYT, WSJ, Bklyn Eagle)
- TWU Insists on Running New Commuter Van Routes Itself (NY1)
- RPA: New Transit Tunnel Under Hudson Will Be a Property Tax Windfall For NJ (MTR, AP)
- Espada Camp: Booting Opponents Off the Ballot "Good Government at Work" (News)
- Times Endorses New Federal Safety Regs for Transit
- Reclaiming Asphalt Under MNR Tracks for Harlem Market: EDC Could Make It Happen (DNAInfo)
- Tour the $3.2B WTC Transit Hub, Virtually (WSJ via 2nd Ave Sagas)
- Parking Agent Daniel Chu: History’s Greatest Monster? (News)
- Expanding From the Heat, Ninth St Bridge Needs Wedge Ramps to Keep Bike Lane Safe (Bklyn Paper)
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