Eyes on the Street: Blast of Thermoplast on Flushing


John Del Signore at Gothamist got this shot of Flushing Avenue this morning. Looks like phase one of the Flushing bikeway is getting striped, creating a continuous link between North Brooklyn and the Manhattan Bridge.

A refresher: The two-way, jersey barrier-separated path on Williamsburg Street West will extend to Washington Avenue on the north side of Flushing, and a regular painted bike lane will run eastbound on the south side. That’s what’s going on in this photo. West of Washington, it’ll be buffered lanes to Navy Street.

This is the interim treatment until the city gets going on phase two, which will widen the north sidewalk to make room for a two-way bike path and pedestrian amenities — a segment of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway. In May, DOT estimated that it will take a good two to four years to complete the second phase.


DOT Proposes Flushing Ave Bikeway in Prelude to Major Greenway Push

Image: NYCDOT [PDF] Here’s a look at the Flushing Avenue bike path concept that NYCDOT presented to the Brooklyn Community Board 2 transportation committee last night. This project would add another preliminary link to the path of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway, following in the footsteps of the Kent Avenue bike lane. After a round of […]

Revised Kent Ave Plan Extends Bike Route to Flushing Ave

Image: NYCDOT Here’s a look at the revised and extended route proposed for the Kent Avenue bike path. Currently the bike lane runs from Quay Street to Clymer Street. As you can see in this map from DOT’s project presentation [PDF], the new route would continue several blocks further south, to Flushing Avenue. The other […]

Cyclists and Pedestrians Now Make Up a Huge Share of Flushing Ave Traffic

Biking has skyrocketed on Flushing Avenue by the Brooklyn Navy Yard since the installation of bike infrastructure in 2010, according to new counts released by the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative. The route is slated for more biking and walking upgrades as the city builds out the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway. Cyclists and pedestrians comprised 25 percent of traffic […]

DOT Proposes East-West Bike Route on 31st Ave in Queens

Last summer, a group of Queens residents began organizing as the Queens Bike Initiative. Their mission: to push the city to build bike connections linking their neighborhoods in northern Queens to the borough’s parks. Nine months later, DOT has presented a plan to stripe a bike route on 31st Avenue [PDF], which the Queens Bike Initiative is lauding […]