Today’s Headlines

  • Homicide Charge for Driver Who Killed Jake McDonaugh (News, City Room)
  • Walder Makes His Case for TWU Concessions (Post)
  • NJTransit Board Approves Fare Hike/Service Cut Combo (WNYC)
  • Ex-Cop Patrick Pogan Defends Critical Mass Assault: Just Following Orders (Post)
  • Time to Give Cyclists a Traffic Lane on the Willy-B? (Bklyn Paper)
  • Paris Mayor Unveils Next Step to Make the Seine a Place for People, Not Cars (AFP)
  • Stringer, Squadron, Chin Want Red Light Cam at Delancey and Essex (Lo Down)
  • Cops Can Now Prevent Towing of Un-Marked Cars With a Phone Call (News)
  • John Petro to Markowitz: More Bike Lanes Actually Means Less Traffic (HuffPo)
  • Cartoon Reflects Reality on PPW Better Than Marcia Kramer’s Reporting (Bklyn Paper)

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