Eyes on the Street: “RUDE 1” Jumps the Curb on East 12th Street

Via EVGrieve, this was scene on East 12th Street near First Avenue on Wednesday evening. A crew of local bloggers and tweeters have crowdsourced some of the details about what happened. Five people were hurt, luckily none seriously, according to EVGrieve’s email tipster. Neighborhood blogger Chris O’Leary found out from an officer at the scene that the driver was drunk and fled on foot. He also tracked down this picture, via Twitter, of what looks to be the offender’s vehicle. (And found another aftermath shot here.)

"RUDE 1," eh? There’s a song for this occasion, but I’m not sure the lyrics will hold true in this case:

Stop your fooling around
Time you straightened right out
Better think of your future
Else you’ll wind up in jail

Rudy, a message to you


Eyes on the Street: New Bike Lanes Around Union Square

DOT began installing new bike lanes leading to and around Union Square this week. The project — which will eventually include a two-way protected lane around the park’s eastern and northern edges — is not nearly complete, but fresh paint along Fourth Avenue between 12th and 15th heralds bigger changes on the way. In addition […]

Eyes on the Street: Hudson River Greenway

kablooey wrote: Concerning the NY Waterway bus that hit a cyclist on the Hudson River Greenway recently, I received a letter from Noah Budnick Deputy Director of Transportation Alternatives. He wrote: Thanks for checking in. In fact, the cyclist’s father called me last week to get legal advice. He said that his daughter is doing ok, […]

Eyes on the Street: An Early Look at the Lafayette Protected Bike Lane

Crews have been making good progress on the Lafayette Street redesign [PDF], the first protected bike lane project installed by the de Blasio administration. As of yesterday, the striping work had progressed from Spring Street up past 4th Street, where Philip Winn of Project for Public Spaces snapped these photos. The Lafayette Street project will […]

Eyes on the Street: First Weekend of Car-Free Summer Streets

A reader sends in these shots of weekend car-free street activity. Above, the crowd takes in a performance from the Fourth Arts Block "Meet the Street" series on East 4th Street between the Bowery and Second Avenue in Manhattan; below is a scene from the first Saturday of Williamsburg Walks, taken at North 6th and […]