Today’s Headlines
- DMI on Transit Options: Fare Can Jump to $2.60, or We Can Pass Congestion Pricing (News 1, 2)
- 17 New York City Pedestrians Killed in "Accidents" in First 27 Days of 2010 (NYT)
- NYC Transit Testing Out Low-Cost Subway Arrival Displays That Could Go Systemwide (News)
- Council Transpo Chair Jimmy Vacca High on Ferry Service for NYC (AMNY)
- Feds Dropping Hundreds of Millions on Electric Car Infrastructure for Urban Centers (NYT)
- Curbside Parking in Jackson Heights: Way Too Cheap (News)
- Parking Lot Next to Flushing LIRR Station to Be Replaced With Housing, Parking (Queens Chron)
- Private Bus Operator Doesn’t Appreciate the Congestion-Busting Effect of MTA Rail (City Room)
- MTA Offices Hampered By Windows XP (AMNY)
- The Lake Wobegon Effect: Why We Need Texting-While-Driving Bans With Teeth (Cyclelicious)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill