Streetfilms: NYC Bike Lanes 101

Bike lanes: In some cities people are so desperate for them they’ll go so far as to mark their own. Here in New York City, it
feels like every time I get on my bike there is a new bike lane —
sometimes on the left, sometimes buffered, and sometimes completely
separated from automobile traffic.

I recently had
the opportunity to go for a ride with the NYC DOT bicycle boys, who
explained the classes of bike lanes and showed off some of these
inventive facilities.



Streetfilms: Contraflow Bike Lanes — A Capital Idea

While we were down in Washington, DC for the National Bike Summit, Streetfilms got the chance to check out some of the capital’s innovative new bike infrastructure. Tops on our list: the city’s first protected, contraflow lane for bicyclists. The district DOT has redesigned 15th Street NW between U Street and Massachusetts Avenue to accommodate […]