Today’s Headlines
- Lots of Term Limit Tussling in Mayoral Debate, Not Much Transpo Talk (NY1, NYT, News)
- Mayor Boris Ponders a VMT Fee for London’s Busiest Streets (Daily Mail)
- How Was Your Bus Ride on TWU’s "Day of Outrage"? (News, Post)
- Now That Car-Free Broadway Is Real, Whither Vision42? (NYT)
- New Atlantic Yards Court Case: MTA Sued for Latest Ratner Sweetheart Deal (City Room, Bklyn Paper)
- Speed Bumps on UWS Get Backing From Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal (CBS2 via Gothamist)
- More Reasons Why David Owen Is Wrong on Congestion Pricing (Streetsblog Cap Hill, Yglesias)
- Hybrid Cars Too Quiet for Peds to Hear, So Auto Makers Will Add Noise (NYT)
- U.S. Can’t Afford to Keep Lagging on HSR (Citiwire)
- City Room Joins David Byrne for a West Side Bike Commute
- NYC Starts Going After Parking Scofflaws With PA Plates (Philly Inquirer)
Lots more headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill