When It Comes to Vehicular Violence, NYPD Sees No Evil

alg_queens_car_crash.jpgSee any victims here? Neither does NYPD. Photo: Daily News

Wednesday morning in Douglaston, Queens, an out-of-control driver plowed into a small crowd of commuters waiting for a Q30 bus. Witnesses say the as-yet-unidentified motorist, 17, was attempting to pass another vehicle when he lost control on rain-slicked Douglaston Parkway and jumped the curb. Reports vary, but of the approximately half-dozen people hit, several suffered serious injuries. Some victims were knocked through the back wall of the shelter, shattering the glass.

Despite the carnage and eyewitness accounts, none of which appear contradictory, NYPD told the Queens Courier the driver would face no charges:

According to police, the driver “had a clean license;” he was neither arrested nor issued any summons. “We weren’t there to witness an infraction,” the police source said.

This case again plainly exposes the hypocrisy in how city law enforcers handle cases involving drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, depending on the identity of the “victim.”

Recall that a Queens pedestrian was criminally charged earlier this year after a driver who nearly ran him down said he somehow damaged his car. This arrest, which occurred several hours after the incident, was based solely on the driver’s claims to police. Not only were no cops present, there were no corroborating witnesses.

So: Bloody bodies littering the ground yards away from a smashed automobile? Nothing NYPD can do. A pedestrian injured your car, you say? The cops are on the case.

Imagine all crimes were treated this way. “I’m sorry your son was murdered, ma’am, but since we didn’t witness an infraction, there’s really nothing to investigate.” Or, “There were no police officers in the area when the crane fell, prosecutors said, and no charges are expected in light of the operator’s clean record.”

A grisly scene. Multiple innocent victims disfigured. Lives disrupted. Families terrorized. How on earth, Ray Kelly, does this not qualify as violent crime?