Today’s Headlines

  • Jay Walder Wants to Improve "Customer Experience" at the MTA. (News)
  • Walder Could Start by Opening Data so NY’ers Can Catch the Bus With a Blackberry (Governing)
  • Transit Workers Emerge From Station Booth Stupor to Rally Against Bloomberg (NYT)
  • License Plate Readers to be Deployed in Midtown but Not for Congestion Pricing (NYT)
  • A Technology Solution to the Distracted Driving Problem or Tougher Laws?
  • David Byrne’s Wild Wild Biking Biking Life (NPR Weekend Edition)
  • Hey, Look, a Times Columnist Complaining About a Parking Ticket! (NYT)
  • Taxi Medallion Value Has Appreciated 245% Since 2000 (News)
  • Copenhagenize Identifies the World’s Worst Bike Share System
  • Saratoga Springs Considers Lifting Ban on Walking and Biking to School (Planetizen)
  • Bronx Homeowners Losing Insurance Over Climate Change Risk (News)
  • There’s Not Enough "Lively Debate" in the New Times Square (Faster Times)

Sorry for the late start this morning, folks. Elana has more headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill.