CA Guv Hopeful: Let’s Not Extend Parking Meter Hours in a Recession

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has snagged some high-profile support for his nascent California gubernatorial bid, but he may have some trouble with the transit-riding, congestion-weary constituency. My colleagues Matthew Roth and Bryan Goebel have the story over at Streetsblog San Fran:

gavin_newsom_thumbs_up.jpgSan Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom Photo: Gawker

Mayor Gavin Newsom has been quietly pressuring MTA Chief Nat Ford to
delay or prevent proposals to extend parking meter hours on weeknights
and Sundays, despite a looming mid-year MTA budget deficit and studies
that show it’s good policy, Streetsblog has learned. …

"The Mayor thinks it’s the wrong time to make these moves," said Nathan
Ballard, Newsom’s communications director. "Right now, with the economy
where it is, the burden on ordinary people for city services is already
stretched to the max, and so he hasn’t seen anything that convinces him
otherwise. He’s open to arguments, but he’s still where he was."

The "we can’t change policy in a bad economy" argument is familiar to Capitol Hill transportation watchers, who saw the Obama administration use the recession to rule out a gas tax hike or per-mile vehicle fee earlier this year.

But in Newsom’s case, as Matt and Bryan point out, San Francisco is lagging behind its fellow major cities when it comes to charging for parking. In Los Angeles, where voters will soon be looking at Newsom’s credentials, meters remain on until 2 a.m. New York City keeps meters on until midnight, and Washington D.C.’s stay on until 10 p.m.

And with the city transit authority facing possible fare hikes or service cuts in the wake of a budget deficit, it’s tough to see how not extending parking meter hours doesn’t hit non-car-owning voters where it hurts.


On San Fran’s Market Street Bikes Outnumber Cars for a Day

  From the San Francisco Chronicle via Carfree USA: For the first time ever, at the height of the morning rush hour there were more bicycles than cars heading downtown on Market Street in San Francisco, officials said. Mayor Gavin Newsom, in a black track suit, survived the ruts on Valencia Street on his loaner […]

San Francisco Mayor to NYC: “Eat Your Heart Out.”

A rendering of the Transbay Transit Center with a 5.4 acre park on its roof. At a groundbreaking ceremony for the long-awaited Transbay Transit Center in San Francisco yesterday, Mayor Gavin Newsom asserted the project will be "so much more extraordinary than Grand Central Station." Pointing to the renderings on a projection screen behind him, […]

Streetfilms: Park(ing) Day San Francisco

Park(ing) Day San FranciscoA Clarence Eckerson StreetfilmRunning time: 6:51 – 22.05 MB, QuickTime New York City Streets Renaissance Filmmaker Clarence Eckerson happened to be in San Francisco on Thursday during International Park(ing) Day. Organized by an art collective called Rebar Group, the idea behind Park(ing) is to reclaim curbside automobile parking spaces by temporarily transforming […]

SF Responds to Bike Injunction With 1,353 Page Enviro Review

Two-and-a-half years after a judge issued an injunction preventing the city from adding any new bicycle infrastructure to its streets, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and the San Francisco Planning Department have released a 1353-page Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) on the San Francisco Bicycle Plan. At a cost of more than $1 million, the city has attempted to demonstrate in excruciating detail what would seem to be obvious: better bicycle amenities contribute to increased cycling and an improved environment.

San Fran Mayor Sets Ambitious Transportation Targets

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (pictured right) emphasized quality of life issues in his annual State of the City address last week. Most significant, Newsom put forward an ambitious transportation agenda and laid out specific targets for increasing bicycling and reducing automobile use: We will continue our long term planning to create a citywide bicycle network, […]

New San Francisco Bike Lanes: Feel the Ecstasy

SF MTA Chief Nat Ford and Mayor Gavin Newsom work the green rollers. Photo: Matthew Roth. These are heady days for San Francisco cyclists. After three years that saw the addition of pretty much zero bike infrastructure, this week the city hailed the arrival of its first new bike lane since 2006 and its first-ever […]