Today’s Non-Primary Headlines
- Bloomberg Gets in on the Jay Walder Compensation Antics, Prompting Brodsky Lecture (NYT)
- In NYC, Biking to School Is Not a Crime; In Fact, Some Schools Are Into It (City Room)
- Obama Admin Proposes New Fuel Efficiency Rules (NYT, Streetsblog Capitol Hill)
- In Dutchess County They’re Dying to See East River Bridge Tolls (Poughkeepsie Journal)
- Signs of Bike Boom Reach Westchester Towns (LoHud)
- Maintenance Work on Brighton Line Suspends Express Service for South Brooklyn Nabes (Post)
- TSTC to Suozzi: Put a Better Ambassador for Transit Than David Mack on the MTA Board (MTR)
- Witnesses Describe Deadly Traffic Violence in Vehicular Homicide Case (News)
- Will Fairfax County Planners Lay an Egg at Tysons Corner? (GGW)
- Dublin Launches a Bike-Share — With Only 450 Bikes for Now (Irish Times)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill.