Today’s Headlines

  • Jay Walder Divulges Enthusiasm for Exclusive Bus Lanes to Senate; Kruger Approves? (NYT, NY1)
  • Nicole Gelinas: Walder Dodged Key Questions (Post)
  • 24 States Competing for Federal HSR Funds (WSJ)
  • Survey: At $5/Gallon, 70% of Americans Would Try to Kick Car Commute Habit (Infrastructurist)
  • The New Yorker‘s Passive Take on Times Square Plazas: "State-Sponsored Tranquillization"
  • Can Conscientious Passengers Rein in Texting Drivers? (NYT)
  • In Two Weeks, Some Subway Agents Are on the Way Out (Post)
  • MTA Studying Extension of Metro-North Service to Penn Station (NY1)
  • Pricetag on Fulton Transit Hub Escalates Again (Post)
  • Streetfight: Messengers vs. Bike Thief (Gothamist)

More headlines over at Streetsblog Capitol Hill