Share Your Outreach Strategies

cantorkintisch.jpgCantor Benjamin Kintisch

When starting a new Livable Streets campaign people will often ask us, "How do I connect with others in my neighborhood and build a working group?" Cantor Benjamin Kintisch is facing this familiar concern in Harlem and Hamilton Heights, and this time we’re putting the question to you. If you’ve had success building a campaign in your area, we want to know how it all started. How did you get the word out off-line and which methods worked best? Respond to this post with your tips for Cantor.

Elsewhere around New York, Livable Streets members have been busy preparing for this weekend’s Summer Streets. The Upper West Side Streets Renaissance will be leading a feeder ride starting at Inwood Hill Park and picking up more folks along the way in neighborhoods like Washington Heights and Harlem, while Brooklynites can catch a ride with their TA committee from Grand Army Plaza to Park Ave. and back.

And for those who missed Zozo’s appearance at the Summer Streets press conference, there’s a new StreetsWiki entry with more details on the mysterious purple creature. Don’t miss the Livable Streets Education kid station for more Zozo fun along the route tomorrow.


Talking Sense About Red Light Cameras in Connecticut

Your partner won’t catch you with your lover in a red light camera photo from this distance. A Connecticut campaign for red light cameras offers a reality-based counterpoint to the growing backlash against automated enforcement. The CT Livable Streets Campaign worked hard throughout 2009 on legislation allowing municipalities to implement automated red light camera enforcement […]

Ed Skyler Departs. Who Will Take Over NYC’s Street Safety Portfolio?

The Bloomberg administration announced this morning the departure of deputy mayor Ed Skyler, who will be taking a position in the financial industry, the Times reports. While Skyler isn’t quite a household name in livable streets circles, his portfolio made him an important mayoral advisor on sustainable transportation and street safety policies. As deputy mayor […]

Community Benefits Agreements: What Do They Mean for Livable Streets?

A rendering of the CBA-mandated walkable development slated for the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis. Image: UrbanWorks Architecture. Last week, Comptroller John Liu announced plans to convene a task force to study and issue recommendations about community benefits agreements in New York. While details on the task force are still forthcoming, the renewed public attention on […]

Get Your Tickets to the Streets Ball! Thursday, November 5

Come join the Streetsblog and Streetfilms team next month for our annual benefit, the Streets Ball, where you can support a year’s worth of high-impact reporting and videomaking in one spectacular night. Our guests of honor will be Council Member Jimmy van Bramer and Council Member Julissa Ferreras, who’ve been indispensable in the campaign to bring safer […]