Today’s Headlines

  • Distracted Driving: The Public Safety Threat Lawmakers Choose to Ignore (NYT)
  • We Need to Stop Rewarding Gas Guzzling States With Extra Transpo Funds (TNR)
  • Neal Peirce: It’s Time for a Big National Investment in Walking and Biking (Citiwire)
  • Auto Pollution Starts Harming NYC Kids Before They’re Born (AP)
  • Woman Widowed By Bike Crash Wants Tougher Regulation of Delivery Cyclists (News)
  • NYCT to Split Congestion-Plagued B61 Service Into Two Routes (AMNY)
  • Yes, Subway Noise Can Be Deafening (2nd Ave Sagas)
  • If You Need to Be Told Not to Eat Soup and Drive, Maybe You Shouldn’t Be Licensed (News, Autopia)
  • Parking Myopia Keeps St. Louis Un-Walkable (STL Dotage via
  • Weinermobile: Unsafe at Any Speed (AP)

More headlines over at Streetsblog Capitol Hill