Today’s Headlines

  • Bus Rapid Transit Can Save the World: TransMilenio Gets Full Multi-Media Feature in the Times
  • Senate Dems Give Embarrassing Turncoat Pedro Espada a Raise (NYT, News, Post)
  • LaHood to States: Spend Transpo Stim Cash in Economically Depressed Areas (WSJ)
  • Our National Transit Nightmare Continues: Fare Hikes in Boston as Drivers Pony Up Zilch (Globe)
  • MTA Taking Bids on Project to Automate the 7 Train (Post)
  • Medhanie Estephanos Is Running for City Council on a Congestion Pricing Platform (Queens Ledger)
  • No Sane Businessperson Would Give Away Anything the Way Cities Give Away Parking (Planetizen)
  • Progressive Blogosphere Swept Up in Discussion of Roundabouts (PPS, Yglesias, TNR)
  • Celebrity Smackdown: Alec Baldwin Shames Jack Cafferty for Assaulting Cyclist (HuffPo)
  • AAA Members in Oregon Can Get Roadside Assistance for Their Bikes (Hard Drive via

Catch more headlines over at Streetsblog Capitol Hill.