Today’s Headlines

  • DeFazio: Make Wall Street A$$holes Pay for Infrastructure (Infrastructurist)
  • The MTA Says It Needs $600M to Keep Going… (News)
  • …So Why Did the MTA Just Give Forest City $100 Million? (Atlantic Yards Report)
  • Another Innocent Mom Killed in Area Cop Car Chase. (WPIX 11
  • Cy Vance Vows to Carry on in the Tradition of Manhattan D.A. Robert Morgenthau (News, Post)
  • DWT: Driving While Texting is Worse than Driving Drunk (Oregonian)
  • One Story You Won’t See in Today’s Paper: 97 Dead in Car Wrecks (Yglesias)
  • Lower East Side Community Board Member Opposes New Crosswalk (Lo-Down)
  • Use it or Lose It: States Are Spending Their Transportation Stimulus Dollars (NYT)
  • A Mega-Project Walking Tour With RPA’s Bob Yaro (Urban Omnibus)
  • The Sad State of Transit Advocacy (2nd Ave Sagas via
  • Straphangers Campaign: The No. 7 Line is the Least Schmutzy Subway (NYT)
  • Ruth Madoff is Forced to Ride the F Train: The Horror (Post)
  • The New York State Senate Just Gets More Embarrassing (Politicker
  • Rick Lazio Proposes to Abolish the State Senate (Daily Intel)
  • It’s Official: I’m Using Twitter Obsessively. Help! (@naparstek)