Today’s Headlines

  • Washington Needs to Ramp Up Federal Funding for New York’s Transit System (DMI Blog)
  • Staten Island Pols: No Need for Bike Lanes Here (SI Live)
  • Bronx Straphangers Get an Express 4 Train (News, Post, NY1)
  • Todd Litman: Propping Up the Auto Industry Is Bad Economic Policy (Planetizen)
  • Atlantic Yards Will Be a Money-Sucking Boondoggle, According to New IBO Report (News)
  • Report: MTA Should Team Up With Developers on TOD (MTR)
  • Houston’s Light Rail System Is Spurring Progress on Ped-Friendly Streets (Houston Chron)
  • Here’s One Example of How Parking Requirements Make Housing More Expensive (SF TOD)
  • Bike in Style: See Winning Entries in Design Comp for Bike Clothing and Accessories (Runway)
  • Chuck Schumer, City Cyclist? (DC Examiner)