Cyclist Struck Yesterday Morning at Third and Atlantic in Brooklyn

A reader emailed yesterday reporting that a bicyclist had been struck and seriously injured at the corner of Third Avenue and Atlantic Avenue near downtown Brooklyn. NYPD confirmed the collision late yesterday afternoon:

This morning at approximately 0723 hours, in the confines of the 84 precinct, Police responded to 3rd Avenue & Atlantic Avenue on a call of a bicyclist struck. The bicyclist was taken to Lutheran hospital, condition unknown. Driver remained on the scene.

Lutheran could not give an update on the status of the cyclist without the victim’s name, which NYPD did not provide. A reader who witnessed the aftermath of the crash reports that an officer said the victim sustained serious, potentially fatal injuries. When asked for more details about the circumstances of the crash, NYPD’s public information office said it had no more information.

If you have information about this crash, please share in the comments or email


When a Driver Had a Seizure and Killed Two in Manhattan, It Was Murder

One day after a fatal crash at this intersection, drivers – including the NYPD – blatantly run the red. — Brooklyn Spoke (@BrooklynSpoke) July 14, 2015 The motorist who killed a cyclist and injured several others in Brooklyn yesterday told police he had a seizure after he did not take his medication. If the driver’s […]