Today’s Headlines

  • MTA Board Makes Fare Hikes Official (NYT, News, Post, NY1, AP)
  • Clyde Haberman: Transit Riders Aren’t Out of the Woods Yet (NYT)
  • Payroll Tax Blowback: Orange and Rockland Counties Want to Secede From MTA (2nd Ave Sagas)
  • In Germany, They’re Taking the Car Out of the Suburb (NYT)
  • Pew Poll: Americans Still See Cars as #1 Household Necessity (Toll Roads News via Planetizen)
  • Charlotte, NC Tripling Size of Transit Network (The Takeaway)
  • Suit Against NYPD’s Critical Mass Policy Goes to Trial Today (Time’s Up)
  • MTR Spots Positive Signs for Cross Harbor Freight Movement
  • Times Covers Ground-Floor Advertising Trend
  • Build More Parking, Says Parking Lobby (AP)
  • The Greatest Threat to the Planet? Try Cul-de-Sacs (Net Density via