Today’s Headlines

  • Paterson, Smith, and Silver Cast Themselves as Transit Saviors (NYT, News, Post, NY1, Politicker)
  • News: Final MTA Funding Deal a ‘Train Wreck’
  • This Is Carl Kruger‘s Transit Package (Politicker)
  • Lack of Funding for Capital Plan Jeopardizes New Capacity for 7 Train (News)
  • House Dems Agree to Subsidize Car Purchases in Climate Bill (WSJ, NYT)
  • Obama Admin Moves to Prop Up Corn Ethanol Industry (Green Inc)
  • Shaun Donovan Vows to Put the ‘UD’ Back in ‘HUD’ (Switchboard)
  • Military Recruiters Park Wherever They Please — Free — in Bronx Commercial District (News)
  • How They Plan Transportation in Abu Dhabi (TOW via
  • Strange Bus Stops from Around the World (Toxel)