- Bloomberg Tells Albany Leaders: Transit System Needs "Long-Term Solution" (Daily Politics)
- Malcolm Smith Wants Bloomberg to Endorse Senate Dems’ Half-Baked Plan (Politicker)
- Senate Unlikely to Vote on MTA Bill This Week (Newsday, WNYC)
- Doomsday Grows Nearer for Hundreds of Subway and Bus Workers (News, Post, NY1)
- What Does Arlen Specter’s Party Switch Mean for Climate Legislation? (Grist)
- Oberstar: Now’s the Time to Tax Mileage (AP)
- Fuel Efficiency Won’t Help Much If Driving Doesn’t Decline (Globe)
- Ray LaHood: Car Dependence Is Bad, So Is Raising the Gas Tax (Infrastructurist)
- Street Vendors Rally at City Hall for More Licenses (City Room)
- Scofflaw ATV and Dirt Bike Riders Menace New Haven Streets (Design NH via Streetsblog.net)