Rally for Transit Rescue Today at Union Square
There will be a rally today from 5:30 to 7:30 at Union Square (Broadway and 14th St. in Manhattan) in protest of planned MTA fare hikes and service cuts. Event organizers include Transportation Alternatives, the Straphangers Campaign, the Working Families Party, Keep New York Moving and the Facebook group "1,000,000 People Against the NYC MTA Fare Hike."
Says TA:
Rally-goers will hear from fellow riders whose bus and subway lines are about to disappear, as well as from labor and transportation advocates. They will make phone calls to their State Senators, and handwrite messages to the NY State Senate on a giant "Facebook Wall," conveying what fare hikes and service cuts will mean for their commutes. The wall will be hand-delivered to Senate leadership.
This event is likely to draw media coverage, so if anyone who’s planning to attend is able to bring pro-bridge toll signs it could be a good way to show that members of the transit-riding public — unlike state lawmakers — aren’t ready to concede on the merits.