Today’s Headlines

  • Paterson Pledges to Avert MTA Doomsday (Post, NY1)
  • Bronx Pols Espada, Diaz, Sr., and Rivera Don’t Care Much About Transit Riders (Norwood News)
  • State Senate’s Intransigence Is Putting B23 Riders at Risk (WNYC)
  • City Council Approves Major Rezoning of West Side Rail Yards (Post)
  • Coney Island Boardwalk Will Only Get Partial Repair With Stim Funds (News)
  • Here’s a Statewide List of Ped-Bike Projects Receiving Stimulus Cash (AP)
  • North Brooklyn Park Delayed as MTA Frets Over Parking Lot Site (Bklyn Paper)
  • Experts Debate: Is High-Speed Rail Worth It? (Planetizen)
  • NYT Travel Section Gives Portland Bike Scene Some Love
  • Downtown STL Saddled With Another Crappy Plaza (Urban Review STL via