- U.S. Transit Ridership Hit 50-Year High in 2008 (NYT)
- MTA Rescue Bill May Surface in Albany Today (News)
- Five Senate Dems Oppose Bridge Tolls (Post)
- News: Malcolm Smith Needs to Take a Stand for Straphangers
- The Political Rationale Behind Shelly’s Bridge Toll Compromise (News)
- With Biking on the Rise, How Should Cyclists Use the Road? (NYT)
- Thompson Faults City for Sidewalk Disrepair (News)
- NYT Likes Schumer’s Proposal for Moynihan Station
- Komanoff: Don’t Blame Vehicular Violence on the Victim (Downtown Express)
- Why Developers Like Cul-de-Sacs (Austin Contrarian via Streetsblog.net)