More Detail on NYC’s Car-Free Broadway Plan

For more detail on New York City’s plan to turn Broadway into pedestrian-priority street from Columbus Circle to Madison Square, here is the Department of Transportation’s presentation:

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Tonight: DOT to Reveal Plans for a Safer Union Square

Image via NY1 Safer street conditions and more space for pedestrians and cyclists could soon be coming to Union Square under a plan to be unveiled by DOT today. We haven’t gotten our hands on the drawings yet, but media reports say that by Labor Day, East 17th Street between Broadway and Park Avenue South, […]

Times Praises Bloomberg’s Broadway Plan

Photo: AntyDiluvian/Flickr The Times has come out in favor of the upcoming Broadway public space reclamation, recognizing the need for safety improvements along one of New York’s most contested thoroughfares. From 1998 to 2007, some 700 pedestrians were injured and five were killed in Midtown Manhattan along Broadway, making it one of the more hazardous […]