Streetfilms: Enrique Peñalosa in Boston

When Boston livable streets advocates invited Enrique Peñalosa to town recently, Streetfilms’ Robin Urban Smith made the trip north to hear what the Colombian urbanist had to say to residents of "The Walking City." Watch here as Peñalosa speaks to a packed house at the Boston Public Library, and see what Bostonians think of their town’s past, present and future transportation systems.


The 12 Most Influential Streetfilms of All Time: Number 11

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all-time, as determined by the impresario himself, Clarence Eckerson Jr. This week: Streetsblog publisher Mark Gorton sits down with Enrique Peñalosa, then-former and current mayor of Bogota. Mark […]

The 5th Most Influential Streetfilm of All Time

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all time, as determined by Clarence Eckerson Jr. Bogotá BRT/Transmilenio Number of plays: 65,353 Publish date: January 28, 2008 Why is it here? Bus Rapid Transit was still an […]

Riding Bogotá’s Bountiful Protected Bikeways

Since 1998, Bogotá, Colombia has built more than 300 kilometers of protected bikeways. Streetfilms recently had the chance to explore the city’s bike network with the man responsible for building it, former mayor Enrique Peñalosa. “When we build very high quality bicycle infrastructure, besides protecting cyclists, it shows that a citizen on a $30 bicycle […]

The Most Influential Streetfilm of All Time

For the last 12 weeks we’ve been counting down the most influential Streetfilms in preparation for our 10-year anniversary benefit, which is coming up on Monday. When we picked that date, we knew a long and draining election season would be over, but we did not anticipate this result. We’re looking forward to gathering with our readers […]

Lessons from Bogotá, Part III (9:58)

Peter Jackson ain’t got nothing on Clarence Eckerson. Here is the third and final installment of Streetfilms’ Bogotá trilogy based on the New York City Streets Renaissance team’s visit with Gil Peñalosa in Colombia last September. Clarence writes: You’ll find lots of tasty video morsels including: riding some of the great ciclorutas and cycle paths, […]