Today’s Headlines

  • With Stimulus a Done Deal, Cities and States Jockey for Funding (NYT)
  • Invest Those Stim Bucks in Bike Boulevards (Citiwire)
  • Highway Expansions: Not Compatible With a Green Recovery (NPR)
  • Driver With Terrible Record Kills Staten Island Couple in Hit-and-Run Crash (Gothamist, News)
  • Arrests for Turnstile Jumping on the Rise (Post)
  • D Train Derails on Upper West Side (City Room)
  • Obama: No Car Czar for Detroit Restructuring (NYT)
  • Bloomberg Gets a Bigger Trial Run for Pedestrian Countdown Timers (Post)
  • News Tours Transpo Hub Portion of WTC Construction Site
  • Ped Advocates in Pune, India Protest Unsafe Streets (New Mobility Thinkpad via

Enjoy the holiday everyone. We’ll be back posting regularly tomorrow.