Senator Jim DeMint Wants to Eliminate Bike Stim Funds: Take Action!

Senator Jim DeMint, the South Carolina Republican who said that directing stim funds toward bicycle and hiking infrastructure
will not help the economy or create jobs, has gone too far. He and
Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma have just proposed an
amendment that would kill all stimulus funds for bike and hiking

In a statement, Oregon Congressman Earl Blumenauer said it shows how short-sighted and out of touch Republicans are:

Investment in bike paths will not only improve our
economy, and take our country in the right direction for our future; it
is precisely the kind of investment the American people want. American
families have indicated time and again in the passage of bond measures
across the country that they favor spending on alternative
transportation, such as bicycles and mass transit, over spending on
more highway capacity.  Americans want a real solution to the economic
crisis, not just a band-aid fix.  These investments will stimulate the
economy in the present and point our nation toward the economic and
environmental realities of the future.

Call or write DeMint and Coburn and tell them what investing in bicycle infrastructure really means:

Coburn’s Washington office: 202-224-5754 or email.

DeMint’s Washington office: 202-224-6121 or email.

And then call Senators Schumer and Gillibrand and tell them to kill the amendment:

Schumer’s Washington office: 202-224-6542 or email.

Gillibrand’s Washington office: 202-224-4451 (no official email yet).


Senate Approves Stimulus Bill — On to Conference Committee

Transportation Enhancements funding helped to expand Roberto Clemente Plaza at the Bronx Hub. The League of American Bicyclists has issued an action alert to keep that program in the stimulus bill. The Senate approved its version of the stimulus bill this afternoon by a 61-37 vote. Attention now turns to conference committee negotiations, where differences […]

NYC Stim Projects Help Fund Big Bike-Ped Improvements

Brooklyn Bridge upkeep grabbed headlines this morning, but wait til you see what’s happening on Houston Street. Yesterday Mayor Bloomberg unveiled the list of city transportation projects set to receive an injection of federal stimulus cash. Budget-wise, the big ticket items are mostly bridge repair projects, but channeling those stim bucks toward necessary maintenance also […]

Wiki Wednesday: The Story of the Stimulus

Looks like the conference committee made quick work of the stimulus bill, with Harry Reid announcing that a deal has been reached much sooner than expected (perhaps a bit too prematurely). We’ll have the specifics on transportation funding later tonight or early tomorrow. For now, relive the stimulus saga with StreetsWiki. Contributor DianaD has added […]

Stim Funds to Kickstart South Bronx Greenway

The Lafayette Avenue section of the South Bronx Greenway. Before/after: Sustainable South Bronx. We’ve got a few more details about another local ped-bike project getting a lift from stimulus cash. The street improvements announced for Hunts Point and Port Morris in the Bronx will fund the first three sections of the South Bronx Greenway. This […]

GOP Demands a Stop to Stim Spending. What Will It Mean for Rail Projects?

The incoming Republican head of the Appropriations Committee wants to take back stimulus funds promised to states and localities for much-needed infrastructure programs, including more than $6 billion in transportation funding. High-speed rail projects would take an especially big hit under the plan. Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA) has introduced H.R. 6403, the American Recovery and […]

Stim Bill About to Enter Final Negotiations

Negotiators from the House and Senate are set to begin talks finalizing the stimulus bill at 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, Reuters reports. While a topline figure of $789 billion has apparently been agreed to in principle, the devil is in the details, and there’s still time to speak up for investment in green transportation and […]