Today’s Headlines

  • Schumer Plugs Transit Tax Benefit, Says Nothing About Saving Service (News, 2nd Ave Sagas)
  • David Leonhardt: Obama Infrastructure Stimulus Lacks Reformist Spirit (NYT)
  • Oberstar and Summers Had Shouting Match Over Transit Funding (The Takeaway)
  • New Report Touts Benefits of 42nd Street Light Rail (City Room)
  • Electeds Shirk Responsibility for Transit Funding Woes as Brooklyn MTA Hearing Looms (News)
  • Subways Getting Consistent C’s from Rider Report Cards (City Room)
  • Construction Glitch Sets Back South Ferry Station Opening a Few Weeks (News)
  • Arizona Sheriff Wants to Turn Light Rail Line Into Prison Transport (ABC Phoenix)
  • California Laws Not Strong Enough to Deter Traffic Violence (Streetsblog SF)
  • Jimmy Carter, 84, Loves to Ride His Bike (Reno Rambler via