Pedestrian Safety Discussion on Brian Lehrer Now

Brian Lehrer is talking pedestrian safety on WNYC right now, with TA’s Wiley Norvell and Thomas Yu of Community Board 3. The discussion is centered on, but not limited to, Chinatown, following last week’s pedestrian fatalities.


“Modal Bias” on Brian Lehrer Today at 11:20 am

Streetsblog editor Aaron Naparstek will be talking with Brian and others about why motorists, cyclists and pedestrians don’t seem to get along too well these days. Feel free to call in. 93.9 FM. From the WNYC web site: Why cyclists, drivers and pedestrians can’t just get along, with Aaron Naparstek, editor of Streetsblog, a blog […]

Hey Brian Lehrer — Traffic Congestion Is Not a Vision Zero Tactic

This morning on WNYC Brian Lehrer said he didn’t understand why Mayor de Blasio would want to penalize Uber for making traffic congestion worse, since the mayor is “causing congestion purposely” to make streets safer for walking and biking. Here’s an excerpt: They want to make driving in the city as unpalatable as possible so people […]

De Blasio: “Transportation Determines Opportunity, Livability, Biz Climate”

On WNYC this morning, Brian Lehrer posed the best transportation question of the 2013 mayoral campaign, asking Bill de Blasio, “Have you thought about transportation as one of your tools to fight inequality?” Here’s what the mayoral frontrunner said: Transportation determines opportunity, livability, business climate. For many people, the absence of affordable transportation, in outer-borough […]

A Few Data Points For the Next Time WNYC Talks Bike Lanes

This morning, WNYC’s Brian Lehrer discussed the Columbus Avenue bike lane with reporter Kate Hinds. The show covered a fair amount of ground in a short amount of time, but gave a lot of airtime to a key assumption which has given cover to street safety opponents — that small retailers in New York City need to […]