Today’s Headlines

  • More on Ray LaHood’s Confirmation Hearing (WaPo, NYT, AP)
  • Hit-and-Run SUV Driver Kills Young Boy Crossing the Street in Canarsie (Post)
  • Senate Coalition to Push for More Transit Funding in Stimulus Bill… (Open Left)
  • …So Can New York Have Its Second Senator Already? (Yglesias)
  • CNU: Use That Stimulus Cash to Create Connected Street Networks (Design NH via
  • Ratner Tries to Renege on Transit Upgrades Promised in Atlantic Yards Deal (Post)
  • Sander Invokes ’70s Decrepitude to Make Case for MTA Capital Plan, Ravitch Recs (NY1)
  • Broad Channel and Rockaways Dominate Queens MTA Hearing (NY1)
  • Donald Shoup Tackles Shoddy Sidewalk Conditions in Los Angeles (Streetsblog LA)
  • Inauguration Transpo Plan Holds Up as DC Metro Sets Ridership Record (Baltimore Sun, WaPo)