Watch the LaHood Confirmation Hearing Online

At 2:00 p.m. the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation will vet Obama’s choice for Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood. Will they grill the former Illinois rep on his predilection for pork and ties to Caterpillar? Tune in to the live webcast to find out.

Also on tap (tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.) — the House Transportation Committee holds its hearing on the infrastructure portion of the stimulus bill.


Senate Set to Confirm LaHood as Transportation Secretary

Ray LaHood handles some softballs at his nomination hearing. Looks like Ray LaHood will sail toward an easy confirmation in the Senate. Members of the Transportation Committee were congratulating him before he opened his mouth at this afternoon’s nomination hearing, which just adjourned. Here are some bullet points: The livable communities plank in Obama’s campaign […]

LaHood to Congress: It’s Time to Talk About a Gas Tax Increase

As Congress maneuvers to end the political impasse over the next long-term national transportation bill, lawmakers are going to have to debate an increase in the federal gas tax, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said today. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood (Photo: Getty Images) In his remarks at a Fort Worth transportation meeting, first reported by the […]

LaHood Praises NYC But Shrugs at Transport Reform to Empower Cities

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood praised the New York City area’s clean-transportation strategy today in a speech to the region’s metropolitan planning organization (MPO), promising a stronger focus on urban priorities even as he all but ruled out two reforms long sought by the nation’s cities. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood (Photo: Zimbio) LaHood’s speech to the […]

Fact-Checking the Toyota Hearing: Lower Speeds Increase Safety

Megan McArdle at the Atlantic, writing on today’s Toyota hearing in the House oversight committee, hears Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood claim that "lowering the speed limit to 30 mph would not save any lives, which is why we have minimum speeds on highways." LaHood, at left, with the president at right. (Photo: whitehouse via Flickr) […]