Today’s Headlines

  • City Council Members Push to Weaken Parking Enforcement (NYT, News, Post)
  • Vincent Gentile Is Leading the Anti-Enforcement Charge for Brooklyn’s Car Owners (News)
  • Brooklyn DWI Arrests Increased in 2008; Parking Tickets? They Declined 8.8% (News)
  • House Republican Leader: No Stimulus Funding for Bike Paths (BCT via
  • Green Stimulus Ideas: Transit Subsidies, Pay-As-You-Go Car Insurance Incentives (TPM)
  • MTA Sustainability Report Filled With ‘Gobbledygook’ Says NYT Transit Reporter (City Room)
  • Petitioners Around the City Protest MTA Service Cuts (2nd Ave Sagas)
  • NYT Op-Ed: L.I.’s Immigrant Cyclists Are Vulnerable, That’s Just the Way It Is
  • City’s Parking Placard Crackdown Has Nabbed Thousands Since April (Post)
  • Enviros Fear Inaugural Train Trip Could Be Eco-Hazard (CNN)