Cartoon Tuesday: Livable Streets Lessons From P.S. 87

This week’s ‘toon is a short Streetfilm of drawings from students at PS 87 on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, where Kim Wiley-Schwartz of the Livable Streets Education program asked kindergarteners, "What would you do if there were no cars in the street?"

Livable Streets Education encourages students to explore and question the environments around
their schools and in their neighborhoods, and to voice the changes they
want to see on their streets. To find out more, contact Kim at 646-734-6486 or


Cartoon Tuesday: Add It Up

Related on Streetsblog: The Case for Active Transportation, by the Numbers Shaping the 2009 Transpo Debate: Rockefeller Foundation’s Nick Turner Nobelist Krugman Joins Call for Federal Transportation Spending Transportation for America Launches Legislative Campaign Cartoon by Andy Singer

Cartoon Tuesday: Outmoded

From Dick Locher of the Chicago Tribune comes a cartoon complement to Judith Warner’s essay in the Times last Friday, declaring that SUVs have outlived any "utility" owners may once have derived from them.