Today’s Headlines

  • How Risky Bonds Deepened MTA’s Financial Woes (NYT)
  • Judge Blocks City From Enacting Hybrid Taxi Requirements (City Room)
  • Treasury Won’t Use Bailout Cash to Help GM Merge With Chrysler (NYT)
  • Jeff Klein Maneuvers to Gain Control of Dem Caucus in State Senate (News, Post)
  • Oberstar, Blumenauer Frontrunners for Transportation Secretary in Obama Admin (Bike Portland)
  • Teenage Valet Killed By Driverless Minivan in Bay Ridge Parking Lot (News, Post)
  • State and City Enviro Officials Cracking Down on Idling Vehicles (NY1)
  • A Day of the Dead Memorial for Cyclists Killed By Auto (News)
  • Complete Streets Laws Pass in New Haven and California (Design NH, CalBike)
  • Today at City Hall: Public Testimony on Term Limits, Right Before Extension Becomes Law (NYT)