Today’s Headlines
- Ravitch Commission Hears Ideas to Improve MTA Funding (Sun, City Room, News, Post)
- Intersection Where Alexander Toulouse Died ‘Extremely Dangerous’ (News, News)
- Car Makers Ask Congress to Guarantee $25B in Loans (Sun)
- City Rolls Out 34th Street Select Bus Service (City Room, Post, AMNY)
- Interview With Christopher Long, Cyclist Assaulted By Cop (Chelsea Now)
- Parking Perks for Private School Teachers Haven’t Been Revoked (Post)
- Brooklyn CB1 Approves Kent Ave Bike Lane, While Some Object (Bklyn Paper)
- Plans Advance to Widen Intersection on S.I.’s Victory Boulevard (S.I. Advance)
- State Considers Using Video Feeds to Reduce Traffic, Idling (Gov Tech)
- Newsday Endorses Texting-While-Driving Bans