Eyes on the Street: 34th Street Runs Red With Paint

Streetsblog’s Brad Aaron — on vacation in exotic, uh, Midtown — sends this pic of a newly-striped 34th Street bus lane, looking east from Eighth Avenue. Red lanes on each side of 34th are part of the first phase of improvements to what is intended to become the city’s first "transitway." Another witness says the bus lane on the north side of the street hasn’t been striped yet.

Seeing bus-only territory marked off like this is bittersweet. If it weren’t for the intransigence of Rochester Assemblyman David Gantt, there’s a good chance these red lanes would not only be highly visible, but adequately enforced with bus-mounted cameras too.


DOT Will Fill in Most of the Second Avenue Bike Lane Gap in Midtown

DOT will present plans this spring to fill most, but not all, of the remaining gaps in the north-south protected bike lanes on the East Side of Manhattan. Significantly, DOT intends to create a physically protected bike lane on Second Avenue between 59th Street and 43rd Street. Combined with the bike lane extension coming to the Upper East Side […]

Cops, Cabs and Trucks Ignore 34th Street SBS Lane

DOT plans to use cameras to keep cabs and government vehicles out of the 34th Street lanes. Last Monday the city launched phase one of its second Select Bus Service route, on 34th Street in Manhattan. From what we could tell on Friday, so far some new signage and fresh terracotta paint are about all […]