- Gas Taxes Down, Bush Admin Wants to Borrow From Transit to Pay for Highways (NYT)
- 2008 Will Likely be the First Annual Reduction in VMT Since 1980 (Bloomberg)
- Riders Flock to Boston’s T in Record Numbers (Globe)
- Cyclist-Tackling Cop Stripped of His Gun and Badge… For Now (News, Post, NYT)
- San Francisco City Hall Puts Forward Plan to Make Market Street Car-Free (Chron)
- Phillies Shortstop Jimmie Rollins Stuck in Traffic, Shows Up Late for Game at Shea
- Bloomberg and Paterson Warn of Massive Budget Deficits, "Pension Bomb" (NYT)
- … And Don’t Forget About That $490B Federal Deficit (News)
- On Summer Vacation, Density Opponents Go to Dense, Walkable Beach Communities (Next City)