- Transit Ridership, Carpooling, and Bike Commuting on the Rise in NYC Suburbs (NYT, NYT)
- Multi-Car Households on the Decline? (NYT)
- A Primer on MTA Debt (NYT)
- Family of Asif Rahman, Cycling Advocates Call for Bike Lane on Queens Boulevard (News, AMNY)
- State Comptroller to Audit MTA (AMNY, NY1)
- Appoint Regular Riders to MTA Board, Panel Urges Paterson (News)
- Some Subway Service Improvements Survive Budget Cuts (AP, NYT, NY1)
- Store Owners Hope Cleaner Streets Bring More Foot Traffic to Bronx Square (News)
- Walkable Cities Are Fit Cities (TreeHugger)
- NYT Derides Drilling, Ethanol, Gas Tax Holidays, and Blaming Speculators for High Gas Prices