Today’s Headlines

  • McCain Lays Out Energy Plan, Calls for Offshore Drilling (Boston Globe)
  • Blumenauer: Obama Meeting Was ‘Coming of Age Moment’ for Bike Advocates (Bike Portland)
  • Assembly Dems to Push for Windfall Profits Tax on Oil Companies (Newsday)
  • Short on Funds, MTA Expects Not to Go Forward With Service Enhancements (News)
  • News: Sander’s Raise Shows MTA Is ‘Tone-Deaf’
  • New York Metro Area Has America’s Worst Traffic Bottlenecks (NY1, Newsday)
  • NYPD Plans Ticket Blitz on Illegal Parking and Fake Placards Today (Post)
  • ‘South Bronx Initiative’ to Add Bus Service and Invest in Commercial Districts (News, Sun, Post)
  • Drivers Spurning Premium Grade Gas in Favor of Regular (NYT)
  • A Useful Wayfinding Poster You’ll Never See in the Subway (2nd Ave Sagas)